Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wallpapper: Tadau Kaamatan (Harvest Festival)..PART 2

I felt that my wallpaper isn't like a wallpaper rather that it some how looks like a poster so I decided to make corrections to really make it look like a wallpaper. Here's what I did (BELOW):

I go to Image>Image Rotation>90'CW to rotate the whole image of the wallpaper.

I removed the 'Top' and 'Bottom' layer.

I then select the layer 'Rice plantation' and pressed shortkey [ALT] + [T] to be able to rotate and resize the layer. I did this same step on the layers  'Sumazau', 'Mt Kinabalu copy', 'Tempayan' and 'Wakid basket'.

I removed the typographies from the wallpaper.

I then retype 'TADAU KAAMATAN (Harvest Festival)'; 'Annually celebrated every year in Sabah, Malaysia on 30th & 31st May' for the typography and adjusted the position of the typographies.

Picture above is the final output. That's all and it is done!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wallpapper: Tadau Kaamatan (Harvest Festival)..PART 1

This is it My wallpaper themed festival. This is how I did it:

First, I go to File>New. In the New settings I changed the preset to 'International Paper' and its sizes I chose is A4 and then I clicked 'OK'.

Second, I dragged the picture of 'Rice plantation' from one of my pictures folder into the photoshop, adjusted the size and select 'Place' when I'm satisfied with the new size. I duplicated the 'Rice plantation' layer, just in case if anything goes wrong and I don't have to redrag the picture from one my folders. I also uncheck the view on the original 'Rice plantation'.

I did the same for another picture that I dragged into the photoshop but I first lowered the opacity to 51% so that I can see clearly on how should resize it and 'Place' the image when I'm satisfied with it. By the way, I used the zoom-in and zoom-out with this shortkey: [ALT] + [mouse roller].

I renamed the new layer to 'Mt Kinabalu', changed its opacity to 100% and made a duplicate the layer of it. 'Mt Kinabalu copy' is generated and I unchecked the view on the original layer 'Mt Kinabalu'.

I then select 'Add Vector Mask' to create a vector mask layer for the 'Mt Kinabalu copy' layer.

I selected the 'Gradient tool' and create a line by simply draging the pointer from top to bottom. As a result, the 'Mt Kinabalu copy' is blend in with the layer 'Rice plantation copy'.

I set the blend option for the layer 'Mt Kinabalu copy' from 'Normal' to 'Multiply'. This changes the color tones on the layer. 

On the layer 'Rice plantation copy', I wanted to retouch the rice plantation field so I used the dodge tool to brighten it up by simply mouse-drag-click on certain parts of the field. I also used the burn tool especially on the hill side by using this shortkey: [ALT] + [Left-click mouse] to darken it a bit. I did the same thing on the 'Mt Kinabalu copy' layer as I wanted to give a bit drama to it.

Next, I go to File>New, preset it to 'International paper' with its size set to A4 and clicked 'OK' when I'm done. Then, I set the two A4 size artboard side by side so that I can compare the images I will put on.

I dragged the picture that I want to use into the new file in the photoshop. As you can see, I carefully resized the picture of the couple doing the Sumazau dance and rasterized it so that I can use the 'Quick Selection tool' on it which I did. Using the tool I select on the whole body of the couple.

 I dragged the couple to another artboard where there's rice plantation on it. I renamed the new layer as 'Sumazau'.

When I'm done with compositioning the 'Sumazau' layer, I create a new file with the same setting as the present one and put it side by side like the picture above. I dragged the picture of tempayan from one of my folders into the new file in the photoshop. I rasterized the picture and used the Quick selection tool again so that I can dragged it to place it behind the 'Sumazau' layer. The 'it' is refered as the 'Tempayan' layer.

Next, again, I create a new file by going to File>New, the settings is the same as the previous ones. From my pictures folder, I dragged the picture of 'Wakid basket' into the new file in  the photoshop and selected 'Place'. I didn't want to resize the baket as I don't want it to be too big for my wallpaper.

I used the Quick selection tool on the basket and dragged it to my proposed wallpaper.

 I moved up the the 'Wakid basket', then used Lasso tool to draw around the basket.

I doubled-click on the 'Edit in Quick mask Mode', selected 'OK', where a transparent red color appear around the basket. I used the brush tool to fill in the part where there's none of the transparent red color around the basket. I did this to refine the basket, actually!

I load the selection tool by Select>Load selection and select OK, then Select>Refine mask as it will open Refine Edge dialog box. In there, I set the 'smooth' to 100%.

Next, I went to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Levels. I set to 'Darker' as this darkens the basket.

I added and adjusted the size of the two rectangle tool to the wallpaper, naming them 'Top' and 'Bottom' and then uncheck the 'Edit in Quick Mask Mode' by Select>Edit in Quick Mask Mode.

On the 'Top' box I added typography which is the title of the festival and its description - "TADAU KAAMATAN(Harvet Festival)" with its size set to 36pt; "Annually celebrated every year in Sabah, Malaysia on 30th and 31st May" with its size set to 18pt.
I used 'Segoe Script' type font for the typographies.

On the 'Bottom' box I added my name with is size I set to 18pt because I'm the one who is doing the wallpaper.

Next, I deleted the layer 'Background' since it doesn't serve any purpose on the wallpaper and also the original 'Rice plantation' layer and because I have deleted it I had to cut the word 'copy' from the 'Rice plantation copy' layer.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Masks and Channels

For this week, I learned how to refine selections in quick mask mode and save a selection as a channel mask.
Of couse, I used a picture(above) that I downloaded from the web. This is how I did it:

First, I dragged the picture that I've downloadeed from the web into photoshop.

Secondly, I made a selection using the Lasso tool. Using it, I drag the tool outside and around the tiger's body, not on its edge but a bit further from its edges.

Thirdly, I switched to Quick Mask Mode. By doing this the image is overlaid with semi transparent red except for the selected areas which I have made with the Lasso tool.

Next, I refined my selection by using the brush tool.

Then, I load my selection by chosing Layer>Load selection. I chose quick mask for channel and ticked the 'invert' and selected 'ok'. By then, quick mask layer will appear under the CHANNELS section. I also saved my selection by Layer>Save selection.

After that, I head to Layer>New Adjustmen Layer>Levels...and clicked OK in the new layer dialog box. This is to enable me to adjust the gamma levels for my image. What I did was I adjusted the levels gamma slider to darken up a bit the surroundings of the tiger.

 There you have it, it's done!