Sunday, October 24, 2010

Paranormal Activities At The Pyramids.. ( Working with Layers)

I was trying out my photoshop software as I decided to explore it. So, this is my first post on showcasing on what I did with the image i edited (above). Yes, I edited the picture of the pyramids.

This is what I did:

First, I downloded the picture from the web, then opened it in the photoshop software. The image itself is already labeled as "Background" by default in the LAYERS section in the photoshop. In the photoshop, I right-click the layer "Background" to convert it to Smart Object, and then right-click it again to rasterize the layer. Notice that the layer named "Background" is automatically changed to "Layer 0". I then zoom in the image using this shorcut: [ALT]+Mouse Scroller. There's also another way to zoom in: [ALT] + [+]

Next, I redused the image' color noise by clicking Filter>Noise>Reduse Noise. In the 'Reduse Noise', I set the Strength: 10; Preserve Details: 50%; Reduse Color Noise: 100% and Sharpen Details: 20%. Notice in the image above that I unticked the "Remove JPEG Artifact". I then clicked 'OK'. As a result, the color noise in the image is reduced.

 After that, I dragged the "Layer 0" in the LAYERS section to 'create new layer'. This is to duplicate the layer. I find this useful as it is more like a backup wherenever mistakes that I accidently made on the image. When it is duplicated, the new layer is labeled as "Layer 0 copy" automatically.

I then used the "Soft healing brush tool" to remove the biker and its bike and make it as if the biker was never there at all. See the difference between the two picture above?

I duplicated the "Layer 0 copy" to get "Layer 0 copy 2". For the new layer, I set it to "Overlay". I didn't make any changes on its Opacity and Fill. When I changed the setting of the layer, the color is simply enchanced.
Next, I created a new layer and decided to name this layer "Cloud" This is because I wanted to create 'cloud effect' around the pyramids.
  So here's what I did: Filter>Render>Clouds. After that,  the whole layer is covered with clouds and its obvious that I had to do something about it.

 I set the 'Cloud' layer settings to 'Soft Light' and set the 'Opacity' to 80%. As result, the picture above is what I got.

Finally, after thinking what more could I edit, I changed the "Layer 0 copy 2" setting from 'Overlay' to 'Hard Light'. I used the 'Burn tool' to darken sky and put some shadow effect with the 'Burn tool' by using these key shortcuts: [ALT]+[Mouse Left-click]. I then use the 'Dodge tool' on the sky to make 'paranormal lights' and also some on the land. I also dodge the pyramid on the sides to make it as if something is shining behind. That's all.

Here's the final product after I save it for web & devices.

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